Terms and Conditions


GD2 is committed to protecting you and all of our members, their guests, and visitors. With respect to privacy, confidentiality, and your physical safety, we work hard to make GD2 a safe, secure space.

One of the most important ways we do this is with GD2’s Terms and Conditions/Entrance Agreement (“Terms,” “Agreement,” or “Terms/Agreement”), which everyone who walks through our doors is required to execute.

The Terms/Agreement is made up of 7 parts:

  1. Eligibility
  2. Confidentiality
  3. GD2 Policies
  4. Release
  5. General Provisions
  6. Electronic Format
  7. Certification of Application

Please take the time to review  each section below.


I declare and certify the following to be true and fully accurate:

  1. Age of Majority. I am at least eighteen (18) years of age.
  2. 2. Reasons for Attending/Joining GD2. I desire to attend and/or become a member of GD2
    1. To learn about BDSM and the full range of human sexuality and relationships;
    2. To meet and find fellowship with others interested in BDSM and the full range of human sexuality and relationships;
    3. To create and develop intimacy, achieve personal and spiritual growth, and find and sustain fulfilling interpersonal relationships.
  3. Embrace Sex Positive Values. I embrace the full spectrum of human sexuality and eroticism between adults, and I understand that I may witness, and I do not find offensive or objectionable in any way, behavior, expression, and activities by adults, or representations thereof, related to human sexuality, including, but not limited to, bondage, discipline, domination and submission/power exchange, sadomasochism, nudity, sex, non-monogamy, role-playing, fetishes, and any and all other types of sexual or similar expression by consenting adults.
  4. Voluntary Participation. I understand that I may but am under no obligation to observe or participate in behavior, expression, and activities by adults related to human sexuality, and that if I do so, I intentionally, willfully, and voluntarily sought out such experiences.
  5. Valid ID. The government issued photo identification I present to GD2 in connection with my attendance at and/or membership in GD2 is a true, accurate, lawful representation of my identity.
  6. Criminal Background. Either (i) I am not required to register as a sex offender in the State of Illinois or in any other State, or its equivalent elsewhere and I have not been convicted of a felony or its equivalent, or (ii) if I am required to so register or have been so convicted, I agree to provide GD2 with the following information for each such registration requirement or conviction:
    1. The year of such determination;
    2. The specific crime(s) of which you were convicted;
    3. The jurisdictions (county, city and state) in which the conviction and sentencing occurred; and
    4. The jurisdiction in which you are required to be registered, if applicable.

    Please note: Having a criminal background does NOT automatically disqualify you from membership or from entering GD2. However, not being fully forthright and honest about your criminal background will be considered grounds for disqualifying you from membership and prohibiting you from entering GD2.


For the sole consideration of membership in or being permitted entrance to GD2, I understand, agree, and warrant that:

  1. Confidentiality. I shall not disclose to anyone at any time the name, identity, or any personal or identifying information of someone in connection with that person’s membership in, attendance at, or involvement in any activities at or sponsored by GD2. I shall not disclose to anyone at any time any information about activities at or sponsored by GD2.
  2. I Shall Not Engage in Publishing. I am not joining and shall not attend GD2 in any capacity as, or for or on behalf of, a publisher of news, opinion or information in any format or media (including, but not limited to, television, radio, or online), professional or otherwise, or any employee, agent, representative, contractor, or freelance associate thereof. With respect to any information about GD2, its members or attendees, or activities sponsored by or at GD2, I shall not act on it for or on behalf of, obtain it for or on behalf of, transfer it to or cause it to be transferred to any such publisher or any employee, agent, representative, contractor, or freelance associate thereof. Further, except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, I shall not publish myself any such information.
  3. I Shall Not Engage in or Assist Law Enforcement. I am not joining and shall not attend GD2 in any capacity as a member of law enforcement, or for or on behalf of any federal, state, local, or other law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, administrative or investigative body, or other similar agency or body, whether civil, criminal, governmental or otherwise, or any employee, agent, or representative thereof. With respect to any information about GD2, its members or attendees, or any activities sponsored by or at GD2, I shall not act on it for or on behalf of, obtain it for or on behalf of, or transfer it to or cause it to be transferred to (except as required by law), any such agency or body, or any employee, agent, or representative thereof.
  4. I Shall Not Engage in Collecting Evidence or Information for Claims. I am not joining and shall not attend GD2 in any capacity as, or for or on behalf of, a person or corporation in any way related to or connected with any potential, threatened, pending, completed, past, or future action, suit, or proceeding, related or unrelated to GD2 or its members or attendees, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, or any employee, agent, or representative thereof. With respect to any information about GD2, its members or attendees, or activities sponsored by or at GD2, I shall not act on it for or on behalf of, obtain it for or on behalf of, or transfer it or cause it to be transferred to any such person or corporation, or any employee, agent or representative thereof.
  5. Ownership and Copyright of Works. I hereby assign to GD2 in perpetuity full, outright, exclusive copyright ownership and all accompanying rights of any descriptions, representations, accounts, and images, or any other works in any form (“works”) that are created by me, in whole or in part, published or unpublished, that describe or relate to any activities or information about activities at or sponsored by GD2, or that include the name, identity, or any personal or identifying information of someone in connection with that person’s membership in, attendance at, or involvement in any activities at or sponsored by GD2 and I shall not create any joint such work with anyone or convey to another person or entity copyright or licensing rights in any such works. I further assign to GD2 full ownership of any material object in which such a work is embodied.
  6. License of Works. GD2 grants me express license to use for personal use works that (1) comply in every respect with this Agreement and GD2’s policies, including its confidentiality policy, (2) are not used for pecuniary gain, and (3) are deemed by GD2 in its sole discretion to be not harmful or not potentially harmful to GD2 or its members or attendees.


  1. Privacy. All personal information provided to GD2 shall be kept strictly confidential. GD2 will not share or disclose personal information except as necessary to manage your membership in or attendance at GD2.
  2. Communications via Email/Newsletter. I authorize GD2 to send to my email address official communications from GD2. I also authorize GD2 to send to my email address GD2’s newsletter, which I may opt out of.
  3. Update Info. I agree to provide updates to my contact information, including my email address and my address, billing address, and phone number, where applicable.
  4. Agree to GD2’s Rules and Policies. I agree to uphold and abide by all GD2 rules, policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, those on GD2’s website and the following:
    1. No Soliciting. Soliciting for the purpose of exchanging funds for sexual or BDSM related services is prohibited. Soliciting of any other type of services or goods is permitted only with express written permission from GD2.
    2. Confidentiality. Disclosing to anyone at any time the name, identity, or any personal or identifying information of someone in connection with that person’s membership in, attendance at, or involvement in any activities at or sponsored by GD2 is prohibited. Disclosing to anyone at any time any information about activities at or sponsored by GD2 is prohibited without the express written consent of GD2.
    3. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices. Use of cell phones and electronic devices of any kind is prohibited except in designated areas.
    4. No Photography or Recording. Photographs and recordings of any kind, whether audio, visual, digital or otherwise, are prohibited without advance, express permission of and direct supervision by GD2 management.
    5. No Drugs or Alcohol. Entering GD2 under the influence of or in possession of drugs or alcohol is prohibited.
    6. Respectful, Courteous Behavior. All attendees of GD2 shall be respectful and courteous toward other attendees at all times and shall refrain from and report to GD2 staff any disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate behavior. I agree to adhere to GD2’s standards of appropriate conduct, including, but not limited to, the following:
      1. Do not touch anyone unless you are specifically invited to do so.
      2. Socializing appropriately is encouraged. Always respect other people’s physical and social boundaries and be clear about your own, including informing anyone who oversteps those boundaries, even unintentionally.
      3. Observing others is permitted, but only from a respectful distance (generally at least 15 feet).
      4. With respect to any activities other than socializing:
        1. Do not interrupt or disrupt any such activities others are engaged in for any reason;
        2. Unless expressly invited to do so, do not physically, verbally, or otherwise engage in any such activity;
        3. If you are not comfortable with any such activity, please leave the area in which it is taking place.
        4. Inform GD2 staff immediately if:
          1. You believe any such activity is unsafe,
          2. You become aware of someone interrupting or disrupting any such activity, or
          3. You become aware of anyone engaging in any such activity without an express invitation to do so.
    7. Use of Designated Areas. Each area of GD2 is to be used solely in accordance with its designated purpose: social areas are for socializing only, bathrooms are for lavatory use, showers are for solo showering, etc.
    8. Dress Code. Street legal attire is required at GD2’s non-members-only events. GD2 does not have a dress code during members only hours.
  5. Privileges of Membership/Visitor Status/Attendance. GD2 is a private, members-only, nonprofit social club and shall provide facilities and opportunities for its members, visitors, and attendees to:
    1. Learn about BDSM and the full range of human sexuality and relationships;
    2. Meet and find fellowship with others interested in BDSM and the full range of human sexuality and relationships; and
    3. Learn how to create and develop intimacy, achieve personal and spiritual growth, and find and sustain fulfilling personal relationships.
  6. Agreement to Pay. In exchange for my Trial, Regular or Platinum membership, I agree to pay all charges due, including any guest fees or other charges I incur as a member of GD2. If I have elected to pay by credit card or debit card, I authorize GD2 to automatically charge my card accordingly on a recurring basis for Regular or Platinum membership (or on a one-time basis for a Trial membership).
    1. Dues. Except for initial dues, dues for each billing cycle must be paid before the first day of the billing cycle.
    2. Guest Fees. Guest fees for anyone who attends GD2 as my guest are due on a monthly basis and must be paid no later than the last day of the month in which my guest attended GD2.
    3. Late or Non-Payment. Membership privileges of members who do not pay all dues and fees by the due date are suspended and at GD2 may, at its sole discretion, terminate membership for non-payment.
  7. Resigning. Discontinuing or resigning membership requires written notice to GD2, which is effective upon receipt.
  8. Termination. GD2 may in its sole discretion terminate membership for no reason or any reason not prohibited by law. I agree to notify GD2 in writing of any changes to my contact information, including my email address and my address, billing address, and phone number, where applicable.
  9. Dues Non-Refundable. All monies paid to GD2 are non-refundable, regardless of my intention or ability to attend GD2 or to participate in activities sponsored by or at GD2.
  10. Reinstatement Following Resignation or Termination. An individual’s Regular or Platinum membership may be reinstated provided the individual:
    1. Pays all dues and any other indebtedness owed to GD2; and
    2. Pays a $50 reinstatement fee.This is a regulatory compliance measure that is necessary for GD2 to maintain its status as a members-only, nonprofit organization with city, state, and federal regulatory agencies, which is essential for keeping GD2 a safe and secure place for our members.
  11. Membership/Guest Status Non-Transferable. Membership in and Visitor status with GD2 is not transferable or assignable.
  12. Non-Discrimination. Membership is available and guest attendance is permitted without regard to, and members are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of, religion, race, sex, color, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, or national origin.


Releasees Defined. “Releasees” shall mean GD2, its members individually, and its officers, agents, employees, associates, assistants, volunteers, attendees, guests, licensees, insurance carriers, and invitees, as well as the building owners and building management of GD2’s facilities, and their agents, successors, and assigns.

Activities Defined. “Activities” shall mean attendance at GD2 or at events at or sponsored by GD2, as well as any observation or participation in expression or conduct that includes, but is not limited to, bondage, discipline, domination and submission/power exchange/authority transfer, sadomasochism, nudity, sex, non-monogamy, polyamory, role-playing, fetishes, and any and all other types of sexual or similar expression among adults, sponsored by or at GD2.

  1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK.I hereby assume any and all risk relating to such Activities. I understand, agree and certify that:
    1. Voluntary Participation. I am under no obligation to engage in such Activities, and if I do, I do so voluntarily and of my own free will.
    2. Risk and Danger. Such Activities involve an exposure to and inherent risk of property damage and bodily or personal injury to myself or to others, including, but not limited to, risk of minor or substantial physical, mental, or psychological injury or illness, serious bodily injury or illness, disability, paralysis, or death. Dangers related to such activities include, but are not limited to, strains, sprains, cuts, abrasions, bruises, burns, hypothermia, going into shock, exposure to or transmission of sexually transmitted and other diseases and infections, broken bones, drowning, concussion, heart attack, heat exhaustion, and strangulation, as well as anxiety, mental and psychological stress and other mental and psychological harm.
    3. Fitness/Pre-Existing Conditions. Such Activities involve strenuous physical activity and should be engaged in only after ascertaining my fitness for and risk of, and if I engage in such Activities with others, the fitness of others for and their risk of, engaging in such Activities. I am aware that I and others may have pre-existing physical or mental conditions, disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown, that may increase the risk of such Activities.
    4. Sole Responsibility. I will participate only in those Activities for which I possess the prerequisite fitness, skills, qualifications, preparations, and training, and I will observe and/or participate in only Activities the risks and dangers of which I am aware and which I fully understand. It is my sole responsibility to determine the level of risk I wish to assume with respect to such Activities.
    5. No Warranties. Releasees do not warrant or guarantee in any respect the competency or mental or physical condition of any individual affiliated with such observation or Activities, including leaders, instructors, volunteers, or individual participants, and make no warranty as to the condition, safety, or suitability of any equipment or of the premises for any purpose.
    6. Medical Personnel, Authorization of Treatment. Releasees do not have medical personnel available at the locations of such Activities, and Releasees are granted permission, but are not required, to authorize or administer emergency medical treatment for me at the locations of such activities. Such action or failure or refusal to act by Releasees shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement, and I assume any and all, and Releasees do not assume any, risk and responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment or lack thereof.
    7. Risk of Attendance and Membership. I understand that there are risks associated with my attendance at and/or membership in GD2, including, but not limited to, the risk that my attendance and/or membership may become known to others despite GD2’s policies, and/or harm related to reputation, employment, child custody, and spousal and familial relations.
    8. Responsibility for Costs of Damage. I am solely responsible, through insurance or otherwise, for any property damage, any hospital costs, or any other costs arising out of any personal injury or any other harm to me, whether physical, mental, or psychological, sustained in connection with my membership in or attendance at GD2 or any event or Activities sponsored by or at GD2.

  2. RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY.In consideration of Releasees permitting me membership in GD2 and/or to attend events or engage in such Activities, and in connection therewith making available for my use certain equipment, facilities, grounds, or personnel of GD2, and for providing me access to its members and other attendees:
    1. Release of Claims. I irrevocably and unconditionally waive liability, release, and forever discharge Releasees from any and all liability, claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind, whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, including, but not limited to, those based on ordinary negligence of Releasees, in connection with any personal injury, property damage, any other harm, or the consequences thereof, arising out of or related to my membership in or attendance at GD2, my involvement in Activities, or my use of Releasee’s equipment, grounds, personnel, or facilities.
    2. Release is a Defense. If I hereafter sue or commence an action,  suit or proceeding against any Releasees in contravention of this Release or for the purpose of enforcing any claims that I so release, this Agreement shall constitute a complete defense thereto and Releasees shall, n addition to all  other  remedies, be entitled to recover costs and damages from me, which shall  include reasonable expenses and attorneys’ fees, including those related to seeking a declaratory judgment and/or an injunction against conduct or litigation which violates or threatens to violate this Agreement.
    3. Fraud or Willful and Wanton Negligence. I do not release claims that result from the willful and wanton negligence of Releasees.
  3. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS.I shall hold and save harmless, indemnify, defend and reimburse Releasees against:
    1. Any and all liability, claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind, whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, including, but not limited to, those based on ordinary negligence of Releasees, whether such liability, claims, demands, and causes of action are brought by me or by others and involve me, including, but not limited to, other members, attendees, co-participants in Activities, or rescuers;
    2. Any and all injuries, deaths, losses, damages, whether incurred by me or by others, including, but not limited to, other members, attendees, co-participants in Activities, or rescuers; and
    3. Any and all liabilities,  judgments, costs and expenses, including legal  costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs, and investigative costs, whether incurred or caused by me or by others, including, but not limited to, other members, attendees, co-participants in Activities, or rescuers which may in any way accrue against Releasees as a consequence of, arising out of or related to my membership in or attendance at GD2, my involvement in Activities, or my use of GD2’s equipment, grounds, personnel, or facilities.
  4. COVENANT NOT TO SUEI covenant not to sue or otherwise bring, or cause or permit to sue or be brought, any action in law or equity against Releasees for any claims, loss,  damage, expense, debt or liability of any nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, which I may sustain as a consequence of, arising out of, or in any way related to my membership in or attendance at GD2, my involvement in Activities, or my use of GD2’s equipment, grounds, personnel, or facilities.


I know the inherent and other risks of such Activities, I understand and appreciate those risks, and I agree to assume any and all responsibility for such risks.


I am aware that I am waiving and releasing legal rights that I otherwise may have. I understand that I am relinquishing substantial legal rights, including the right of financial recovery for injury, whether the injury results from the inherent risks of the activity or from the ordinary negligence of Releasees.


I sign, execute, and enter into this Assumption of Risk, Release & Waiver of Liability, Indemnification & Hold Harmless, and Covenant Not to Sue Agreement.voluntarily, entirely of my own free will and volition, with full awareness and comprehension of the risks involved, and with the full intent of releasing Releasees of liability for injury or loss due to the inherent or other risks of the activity or due to the ordinary negligence of Releasees.



The following provisions apply to the entire Application/Terms/Entrance Agreement:

  1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any and all agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties. No representations, inducements, promises, or agreements, oral or otherwise, have been made by or on behalf of any party which are not embodied herein, and no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall  be valid or binding. No amendment or extension of this Agreement shall  be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties.
  2. Severability and Modification. If any provision of this Agreement is held by an arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall  continue in full  force without being impaired or invalidated in any way, and the parties intend the provision to be, and authorize such arbitrator or court to modify the provision as necessary to make it, enforceable to the greatest extent permitted under the law.
  3. Waiver. Acceptance of this signed Agreement by GD2 shall not constitute a waiver, in whole or in part, in any way, by GD2. Failure to invoke any right, condition, or covenant of this Agreement by GD2 shall not be deemed to imply or constitute a waiver of any right, condition, or covenant of this Agreement and no one may rely on such failure to invoke said rights, conditions, or covenants as a continuing waiver of any provision of this Agreement.
  4. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.
  5. Binding. This Agreement binds me and my spouse, heirs, estate, executors, administrators, legal guardian, personal representative, and assigns.
  6. Duration. This Agreement shall be applicable in perpetuity with respect to any and all attendance by me at GD2 and at any event sponsored by GD2.
  7. Damages. I shall be responsible for any and all harm and damages suffered by GD2, its members, or its attendees arising from any breach of this Agreement.
    1. Remedies. In addition to all other remedies, GD2 shall be entitled to recover from me all costs and damages incurred in relation to any breach of this Agreement, whether actual, alleged or anticipated, including, but not limited to, those incurred in enforcing or attempting to enforce this agreement, and reasonable expenses and attorneys’ fees, including those related to seeking a declaratory judgment and/or an injunction and/or preliminary relief against conduct which violates or threatens to violate this Agreement.
    2. Liquidated Damages. I agree that in the event I breach any of the provisions of GD2’s Confidentiality policy above, such a breach will inflict long term harm on GD2 and the actual damages from such a breach are difficult to determine and to measure. Therefore, for any such breach, I agree to pay to GD2 as liquidated damages a sum equal to: the amount of 60 months of dues collected from each GD2 member who discontinues membership in the 60 months subsequent to my breach, plus an amount equal to any guest or other fees collected from each such member during the 60 months preceding my breach, plus the amount of 60 months of dues based on any negative difference between the number of new members who joined GD2 in the 24 months preceding my breach and the number of new members who join GD2 in the 24 months subsequent to my breach.
  8. Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by mandatory, binding, individual arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules, including the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
    1. Prior Attempt to Resolve. Before initiating arbitration or any other legal proceeding against GD2, I shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve any controversy or claim with GD2, including, but not limited to, through (i) oral, in-person communications with and (ii) written communications with members of GD2’s Board of Directors.
    2. Preliminary Relief. GD2 may apply to the arbitrator seeking injunctive relief until the arbitration award is rendered or the controversy is otherwise resolved. GD2 also may, without waiving any remedy under this agreement and this arbitration provision notwithstanding, seek from any court having jurisdiction any interim or provisional relief that is necessary to protect the rights or property of GD2 pending the arbitrator’s determination of the merits of the controversy.
    3. Confidentiality of Arbitration. The parties agree that any personal information about GD2’s members or attendees or Activities at GD2 shall be deemed confidential and private and shall be protected by a protective order to the fullest extent permitted by law, with the exception of any individual alleged to have violated any portion of this Agreement or any individual filing for or defending against any arbitration proceeding.Except as may be required by law, neither a party nor an arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of GD2.
    4. Mandatory, Binding, Individual  Arbitration and Class Action Waiver. The parties agree that any action, suit or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be brought in an individual capacity and that the parties are prohibited from pursuing any claim as a class member or purported class or representative of a class. A judge or arbitrator shall not consolidate or join the claims of other persons or parties who may be similarly situated.THE PARTIES HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS THEY MAY HAVE TO TRIAL BY JURY IN REGARD TO ARBITRABLE CLAIMS. THE PARTIES FURTHER WAIVE ANY RIGHTS THEY MAY HAVE TO PURSUE OR PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS OR COLLECTIVE ACTION PERTAINING TO ANY ARBITRABLE CLAIMS BETWEEN THE PARTIES.
    5. Costs. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each party shall bear its own costs and expenses and an equal share of the arbitrator’s and administrative fees of arbitration.


  1. Hardware/Software Requirements. The minimum hardware and software requirements for accessing, receiving, viewing, and retaining GD2 contracts, billing information, notices, records and correspondence are a web browser with 128-bit encryption and a PDF reader to visually display or electronically save them, as well as a er if you would like to them for yourself. 
  2. Consent to Electronic Format/Scope of Consent. I consent to using an electronic format, now and in the future, to execute contracts with GD2 and to receive billing information, notices, records and correspondence from GD2. I understand this consent shall continue unless I revoke it by the procedure described below.
  3. Paper Copies. I understand that I may obtain a paper copy of such documents at no cost to me by making a request in writing to GD2 at P.O. Box 412389, Chicago, IL 60641-7899.
  4. Revocation of Consent. I understand I have the right to revoke this consent without penalty and that I may do so by providing notice of such revocation of consent in writing to GD2 at P.O. Box 412389, Chicago, IL 60641-7899, which will be effective within a reasonable period of time after receipt when GD2 has had an opportunity to act on it.
  5. Updating Information Required. I understand that I am required to update the information needed to contact me electronically via email.
  6. Security of Information. I understand and agree that despite GD2’s efforts, GD2 does not guarantee the security of electronically (or otherwise) submitted information and that GD2 shall not be responsible for any unauthorized third party interception or use thereof.
  7. Electronic Signatures. I understand and agree that my electronic signature executed in conjunction with my electronic submission of this authorization & consent, or in conjunction with any transaction, request or submission by or through this website or other electronic systems used by GD2 shall be legally binding and such transactions, requests or submissions shall be considered authorized by me.



I declare under penalty of perjury that all information, answers to questions, and signatures provided in this application are true and correct, and that all information provided in this application and that I have or will provide to GD2 in connection with my application for membership, status as a Visitor, or related to entrance to GD2 is true and accurate, and I have not falsified, omitted, or obscured any relevant information. I would so testify in a court of law.


I understand that withholding of information or giving false or inaccurate information may result in refusal of membership, refusal of entry to GD2 or removal from GD2.